
Pros And Cons Of The United States Annex

Decent Essays

Winning is simple, well not in all cases. In 1898 there was war between Spain and the United States. The United States won and became proud and excited. Suddenly the U.S became a major world power. In 1898 there was a conference that was held in Paris, which was a peace treaty. Since America had won the war against Spain it had three choices hand back the islands to Spain, give the Philippines their independence, or annex the Philippines under some sort of American government. On February 6th, 1899 there was a decision that was made. The Philippines were annexed by the U.S (BE, 2009). The U.S should not annex because it went against the “Spirit of 1776”. The U.S should annex because it will prevent other countries from acquiring the …show more content…

In the text it stated that the U.S could not give the Philippines back to Spain because it would be cowardly and dishonorable (Rusling, 1903). This is important because the United States is strong, if we gave them back to Spain that would show that the United States isn’t really strong. The U.S won the war against Spain, why would the U.S give something to Spain that they won?! If the U.S just left the Philippines to Spain it would just make them look weak and don’t know how to critical think. In the text it stated “Wonderfully has God guided us…. We can not retreat from any soil where Providence has unfurled our banner; it is ours to save .... for liberty and civilization” (Beveridge, 1898). This matters because the United States has come such a long way for this. It’s been through a war, to get the Philipines. They shouldn’t just lose the Philippines like that, they should take the time to see what will happen which we outcome. With a wrong decision they could easily make the United States seem weak.

The third reason the United States should annex is because the Filipinos were not capable of self government. According to the text, it stated “that we could not leave them to themselves - they were unfit for self-government - and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain’s was;” (Rusling, 1903). This is important because the Filipinos were not capable of self government, nor were they ready

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