
Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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The medical community should teach the correct information on vaccines so widespread paranoia doesn’t engulf the world. Vaccinating can be a very good thing it protects our world future and children from contracting deadly diseases that once ran rampant on this planet. Vaccines should not be mandatory nor parents kicked out of doctors' office for refusal to vaccinate their kids. There should be a compromise in both cases. What these compromises should be, will be discussed in more detail later.
The problem today with getting kids vaccinated is a study that was conducted by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and 12 other colleagues. In this study that he published, claimed that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine caused behavior regression and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Even though this study was not a controlled one and he chose the results that benefitted his agenda. An example of not being vaccinated comes out of California, Janet D. Stemwedel wrote," . . . it will probably come as no surprise to you that California pertussis is a result of the downturn in vaccination in recent years, nor that this downturn has been driven in large part by parents worried that childhood vaccinations might lead to their kids getting autism, or asthma, or some other chronic diseases"(Stemwedel, 486). Humanity has an obligation to protect oneself and others that can't defend themselves. For example, people that have some sort of reaction to vaccinations and others that have an immune deficiency. Depend on the healthy persons to get vaccinated. In turn, they run less risk of contracting a mutation the virus causing serious health problems even death. Parents bought into this claim that the MMR vaccine caused autism which then made them question all other vaccines. Although vaccinations rates have risen considerably in America there are still a few communities that are popping up where the rate is dropping. This is due to the wrong information being spread about vaccinations. When the herd community is disrupted there can be serious implications. Everyone also sees that celebrities buy into this and start to advertise these claims and then they fall into it. Thinking that because a celebrity is saying it they are

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