
Proverbs In Esperanza Rising By Pam Munoz Ryan

Satisfactory Essays

I read a novel “Esperanza Rising” by Pam Munoz Ryan it is a story of a young girl. Esperanza was a rich girl at the time she was in Mexico and she became a labor worker on a farm in San Francisco, California. In this book I read all the stories there are a different kind of Mexican proverbs throughout the stories which reflect the way they are, and real meanings of the story. In this story they used three Mexican proverbs that reflects their story such as “He who falls today may rise tomorrow” “The rich person is richer when he becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich’’ Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand’’ To begin with, He who falls today may rise tomorrow.” They used this proverb to describe when the Esperanza’s family went through the obstacles. When Esperanza family gets hard time they were shot with fanatical, but they weren’t out completely. They worked hard for successful. They also believed that working hard could change people’s lives. If they shouldn’t have worked hard, they wouldn’t be good enough to survive and archive their future. Worked hard, they wouldn’t be good enough to survive and archive their future. …show more content…

While Carmen helping poor people Esperanza confused because she didn’t think of poor can help each other. She was confused because the way she raised were different compared to other people. Finally, Esperanza realized that there are more profound aspects in life than being

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