
Psy/230 Week 4 Business Communication

Satisfactory Essays

In chapter one started off with an interesting case about a married couple, who were doctors and decided to work within the same hospital. Soon after they started to work there, their marriage started to suffer and in the end they decided to get a divorce. Mr. Whittamore decided that he was going to leave the hospital and was thinking about opening up his own clinic, even though it was against his contract. He thought that he would go talk to Singson and explain the situation to him and see if the contract could be overlooked and allow him to open his clinic. Singson told Whittamore that the contract would stand. Singson responds mad Whittamore upset and the conflict between Singson and Whittamore started. The chapter continued talking about the …show more content…

Mediation happens when a 3rd party comes in and helps improve the relationship, enhances communication, and uses effective problem solving techniques. Administrative or managerial approaches and procedures used if conflict is between employees or members of an organization. The 3rd party, who does is allowed to make a decision is doing the mediation and is allowed to make a decision if need be. This approach reminds me of how the military handles conflict within their ranks. Being in the military I have seen this process conducted, they will allow the parties to try to resolve their own conflict, but if they cannot the authority figure does it for them. Arbitration is a private process still including a 3rd party that helps resolve the conflict. Arbitration comes in two forms med-arb and mediation then arbitration. Med-arb uses mediation as the first step to resolve the conflict, if mediation does not work they move on to arbitration, while the mediation then arbitration uses both with a different 3rd party for

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