
Psychoanalysis: Frankenstein's Troubled Family Relationships

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Psychoanalysis -Frankenstein

Frankenstein is a popular story influenced by Marry Shelley’s own troubled family relationships. Despite that, the subject matter of the story has experienced several criticisms. The story portrays the failure of human beings to take care of their children so that they will be able to participate in the society rather than draw back into themselves. This paper will analyze a theory based reading of Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is perceived as an object of love, like a bauble or a plaything for his parents, but Shelly characterizes his relationship as nurturing and warm. Frankenstein describes his relationships lovingly, as if his hyperbolic statements are concealing his genuine feeling of loneliness. His credibility raises questions about his generous and open statements of affection and by his inquisitive lack of sibling friction. Despite the fact that his family is a paradise, Frankenstein has stayed away from his loving family for a length of time and he comes home on request by his father to attend the funeral of his brother.Frankenstein demonstrates parental irresponsibility, for instance, the poor relationship between Clerval and his father. …show more content…

Frankenstein’s adolescence is demonstrated as a struggle to prevail the consent of his father. For instance, Frankenstein’s pursuit of knowledge is challenging for him, and talks about his earning with his father, telling him not to waste time on ‘sad trash’. He (Frankenstein) is then absconded to pursue knowledge, just like his monster. Frankenstein is grabbed with his unstoppable zeal because of the insensitivity of his

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