
Psychological And Psychological Aspects Of Psychological Disorders

Decent Essays

Psychological Disorders
A psychological disorder is a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance within an individual’s cognition, emotion, regulation, or behavior. Typically, a behavior is marked as disturbing or dysfunctional when they interfere with one’s day-to-day life. The medical model approach assumes that a psychological disorder is a mental illness and comes with physical causes that can be diagnosed, sometimes treated, and sometimes cured through therapy or possibly through hospitalization. The biopsychosocial approach assumes that there are three sets of influences leading up to psychological disorders- the biological influence (examples: evolution, genetics, brain structure and chemistry), the psychological influence (examples: stress, trauma, learned helplessness, mood-related perceptions and memories), and social-cultural influences (examples: roles, expectations, definitions of “normality” and “disorder”). Normality in this case would be the understanding that each of us have our fears and struggles and hardships, but it is not a disorder until our life is consumed by theses things. The focus of my paper is mental disorders with psychological effects, ranging from schizophrenia, acute stress disorder, agoraphobia, Alzheimer’s disease, reactive attachment disorder, and trichotillomania, all in which are known as psychological disorders. Knowing about psychological disorders provides more understanding of varying behaviors, as well as to help

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