
Psychopharmacology Essay

Decent Essays

Psychopharmacology and Mental Health Counseling

Psychopharmacology and Mental Health Counseling It seems that the more human development changes, the more there is a demand to understand the role of pharmaceuticals in daily life with regard to mental health. In the article, The Mental Heath Practitioner and psychopharmacology, "a growing challenge for mental health counselors is to understand the potential benefits and limitations of many different types of drugs" (Dickinson & Kaut, 2009 p. 204-205). Incorporating a thorough treatment plan, which might include the use of prescription drugs (Anderson & King, 2004).
Recommending or Prescribing Medication It is imperative for today’s mental health …show more content…

123). The role of a mental health counselor is critical when communicating with any prescribing professional since it "maximizes client outcomes where integrative therapies are involved" (Dickinson & Kaut, 2009 p. 218). Because the psychotherapist is in contact with the patient, he or she has the opportunity to join forces with others in the medical profession and be their eyes and ears to the appropriate professionals. As the treatment continues the mental health counselor re-assesses both the effects of treatment. Overall, the focus is on the client’s best interest (Anderson & King, 2004).
Based on the readings and information provided by scholars it is imperative for psychologists to communicate with both the client as well as the prescribing physician.
Ethical and legal reasons are for the safety of the patient, thus resulting in trained professionals to administer any drugs felt required by a psychologist. This is for the patient’s safety and concern. A clinician will be in more contact with a patient so he or she will be able to ascertain if there are any complications arising from the medications. Clinicians can educate and train those who require medications so he or she is aware of possible side effects. Lastly, it is vital for the referral to work appropriately there could be a history that a physician could be unaware of that is needed to be know that a patient

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