
Family Therapy For Psychosis

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Answer: Psychosis
Psychosis is most commonly associated with schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric condition that may cause an ongoing loss of contact with reality. Other mental health conditions that may sometimes cause psychosis include major depression and bipolar. Substance abuse and chemical withdrawal have also been known to lead to psychosis, as have some medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Severe infection that has spread to the brain, epilepsy, stroke, and the late stages of AIDS also have the potential to cause psychotic episodes, although psychosis is not characteristic of these illnesses.
Individuals experiencing symptoms of psychosis may find it helpful to seek treatment from a mental health professional …show more content…

Some residential treatment facilities offer longer-term strategies to those in treatment, teaching things such as life skills, conflict management, stress management skills, and other tactics for coping with psychosis.
Therapy for Psychosis
Therapy for psychosis often works best when combined with medication, although this is not always the case. A therapist can help a person who is experiencing psychosis recognize their condition, employ coping strategies, and stick to a treatment plan.
Family interventions, where families participate in therapy sessions along with the person experiencing psychosis, have been found to reduce the relapse of psychotic episodes. This type of therapy aims to improve family relations, and the family is encouraged to become a type of therapeutic agent to the person in treatment. Family members may have the opportunity to see the therapist in individual sessions as well.
Unfortunately, the false beliefs associated with psychotic episodes can often act as barriers to treatment. People with psychosis may refuse medication or stop taking their medication, and in some cases, they must be hospitalized before treatment can

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