
Public Health Board Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Pushpa Guddappa
Reflective Journal 10
The class about health boards was very good topic to know and essential for public health. The boards are dominant model for federal grant funding for primary care in the country for public safety. They have health care professionals willing to provide services to nations uninsured and underserved population.
The History of board health is important component of public health. I have learned about board of health, how it was established through public health act in the New York city of board. Board had the program for prevention of cholera and they have broad spectrum health departments have local board of health started to appoint the employees to work in the board, currently they are 3200 boards of health across the united states. Their function to address the advocate for public health. There are different boards to operate entire nation includes advisory, governing, policy making. Advisory boards report their county, city and township commissions on public …show more content…

The local health departments have more responsibilities under federal, local or state laws to enforce laws to protect the community and environmental health. I have learned about board governing body, functions, funding and hierarchy. Board approves budget and salary adjustment then they solve the issues, senior management have largely responsible for the success and failure of the agency. A senior management have several functional areas includes budget, Human resources, Administration, Legal services, Medical and Nursing but in Middle management less budget in the organization and they try to eliminate the middle management. Divisions ensures qualified professionals to managed by the people with similar background then they provide career to employees with their own budget. I have learned about team work which is very essential to get success and avoid conflict in the

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