
Pylos In Electric Light

Decent Essays

The moment picked out there – ’After the bowstring sang a swallow’s note’ – is recalled again, more than ten years later, in one of the sequence ‘Sonnets from Hellas’, entitled ‘Pylos’ in Electric Light: he urges himself to: Here Heaney recoils from Odysseus ptoliporthos, sacker of cities. In other words Heaney wants only one of the two sides of the Homeric hero, the craftsman not the city-sacker. In the same vein, he transposes the signature-epithet ‘wine-dark’ to the kitchen instead of the dangerous seas. This would seem to connect with another rejection of Homeric warfare in Heaney’s later volume, in the course of a poem called ‘To Mick Joyce in Heaven’ in District and Circle (2006). It transpires that Mick Joyce was a relation by marriage …show more content…

Tone’s privilege – he was “well-bred and impervious” – condemned him to be distant from “the shouts of men” and to be imperiled by forces overwhelming any steerage afforded by his position. This poem, though reaching back to a historical personage and to the complex historical events of the Irish 1790s, refines both personage and events into a few bold strokes. According to John Dillon, what is of interest here in the present context is an ingenious use of the Odyssey once again, this time Teiresias' prophecy to Odysseus in Hades (6.119-134), instructing him as to how he is finally to propitiate the god Poseidon. He must walk inland (from the mainland opposite Ithaca, necessarily) with an oar over his shoulder, until he meets someone (a 'small farmer') who does not know what an oar is, and takes it to be a winnowing fan. Then he may erect the oar on a barrow raised in honour of Poseidon, and perform sacrifices to the god. The purpose of this exercise is presumably intended to spread Poseidon's worship inland, in areas where he was previously unknown. It can be said to be designed to take Odysseus entirely out of his element, which is nautical, and so humble him, and it is this aspect of the exercise which catches Heaney's

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