
Qin Shi Huangdi's Great Debate: Classical China

Decent Essays

Debate: Classical China
It is lucky for us that Chinese history is full of mostly reliable facts and documentation, although it mostly focuses on the small minority (the wealthy). From the documentation we are able to understand much of China’s progression during their classical period (Roberts & Westad 2014). In the Chinese culture the elite survived dynasties and empires, which kept China on the same course throughout this time (Roberts & Westad 2014). Although, China existed in an Asian world in which there was plenty of interaction of all forms going on, China was less accessible to alien influence; this is believed to be because of the traditional foundation that the civilisation was based upon (Roberts & Westad 2014).

During the classical China period, the Qin and Han dynasties were the biggest influence. Qin, the first of the two, wanted power. Qin Shi Huangdi wanted to make the many states into one big state, or an empire. Qin Shi Huangdi was the first Qin emperor; he was born in 259BCE and become king at 13 years old. His reign would only last 15 years, but during that time he would make his mark not only on the classical China period, but also the China we know today (Roberts & Westad 2014). When Qin came into power he was paranoid, and even believed his own family was out to get him. He sentenced his mother to house arrest, while her lover received a worse fate: torn into pieces by five chariots. Scholars and all those seeking …show more content…

Qin wanted absolute dictatorship. He even attempted to regulate even the most minor details of his subject’s lives. Qin simplified and regulated the language by simplifying the characters, standardising the syntax which creating a common written language for his empire. Even though during his reign he had concurred three quarters of where the population lived, the country did not become united until much later (Roberts & Westad

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