
Qualitative Research and Data Analysis

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2.1.6 Data analysis
In qualitative research, data analysis is a process of making meaning where the researcher has to actively create meaning out of the raw materials (Esterberg, Kristin G., 2002). The process of making meaning out of qualitative data is often iterative, meaning that there is a repetitive interplay between the collection and analysis of data (Bryman and Bell, 2007).
Altogether 5 interviews were conducted with the tour operators in Denmark that are selling travel packages to Nepal. Firstly, interview was conducted with Kipling travels (31ST March, 2014) and then interviews were made with Dagama travels (2nd April, 2014), FDM travels (2nd April, 2014), Albatros-travels (24th April, 2014) and lastly C&C travels (29th April, 2014). All of the interviews were conducted on different days except interviews with Dagama travels and FDM travels. The findings from the first interview were also used to ask questions in the following interviews and there was constant interplay between the data analysis of the previous interview and the data collection from the next interview. In this way, information gained from the first interview and the subsequent interviews were used, to ask questions, in the interviews done later on. Figure 7: Comparison of Qualitative Analysis Approaches (Thomas, 2006)

There are various approaches that can be used to analyze qualitative data such as the general inductive approach, grounded theory approach, Discourse analysis and Phenomenology

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