
Quality And Quality Of Product Quality

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Product quality is defined as the collection of features and characteristics of a product that contributes to its ability to meet given requirements. 
It is however not only the physical attributes of a product which make up its quality, there are many components which can determine a products level of quality. These can range from the function-ability of the product to the customer service and general consumer experience while purchasing the product. 
In this report I will be focusing on Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Product Specifications and why they are all so important in terms of product quality. I will also look at an instance of product quality failure, in this particular example Lululemon had to recall certain products because they had failed to adequately test the quality of those products. I will identify exactly what happened, why it happened and what was done to rectify the situation. 

2.0 Background Information

2.1 Quality Control is defined as the process of setting standards and testing to make sure something, like a product or service, is done correctly.

2.2 Quality Assurance is defined as the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the delivery or production process.

2.3 Product Specification is a document that provides critical defining information about a product. They can include: Coding information, Labelling and Packaging Instructions, Component Materials,

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