
Quebec Independence Day Research Paper

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100 years ago today, the votes came in for the Charlottetown Accord with 54.4% of Canadians voting against it. This was yet another failed attempt to please Quebec, but it only made things worse. With tensions remaining high between the French and English Canadians, there is still no news of a third attempt, fearing that history will repeat itself. Canada can’t afford another failure; many think that it will push Quebec off the edge of become independent. Even though there are a lot of Canadians who can’t forget the past of Quebec, there are also many who don’t understand why this day is so significant. In order to explain that, we need to go back in time to the late 1900s. One of the key points in Canada’s relationship with Quebec happen shortly after the war; the …show more content…

Thinking that this would satisfy almost everyone, Levesque anticipated a lot of support; however, he’s never been so wrong. On May 20, 1980, 90% of Quebec voters came out to cast their vote. 59.5% votes were against the sovereignty-association and the referendum became lost. To try and fix what was broken, the government came up with the Meech Lake Accord. In 1985, there were many political changes that occurred in Quebec and federally. Federally, Trudeau was replaced by Brian Mulroney. In Quebec, Moderate Liberal Robert Bourassa was replaced by Rene Levesque. Mulroney promised when he got elected, that he would bring Quebec into the Constitution (the supreme law in Canada). He held many meetings to talk about the constitutional problems. In April 1987, there were constitutional changes made that satisfied Quebec’s concerns and both the PM and 10 provincial premiers agreed to these changes. This happened at Meech Lake, near Ottawa. Some of these changes included that all provinces were able to nominate candidates, opt out of federal cost sharing, have the right to veto any constitutional change, and that Quebec would be seen as a “distinct society”, with their own legal, culture and language

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