
Questions On The Problem Of Technology

Good Essays

Contents: Problems to be turned in (Page 1) Essays (Page 3) Extra Credit (Page 8)

1. Problems to be turned in: Initial number of bits of information in chip=1,000,000
Bits in the human brain=10,000,000,000,000
Since,the number of bits double_we multiply by 2
Time taken=t
1,000,000*2^t=10,000,000,000,000 log_(2^t)=log(10,000,000) t log(2)=log_(10,000,000) t=23.25 years

Moore 's prediction is based on the assumption that one cannot pass a certain limit after increasing exponentially for a long time. He has laid this prediction on the grounds that Intel was able to cut through to Hafnium only after encountering various problems in cutting down the molecular layers. I do not entirely agree with this prediction because he …show more content…

It is usually not surprising when political figures are stripped down by the media because they had an unfortunate past. This revelation of personal history gets manipulated as it travels from mouth to mouth, which has a profound impact on the image of these candidates. I personally believe that these candidates have less of a chance to be elected because the majority of the social media tends to highlight the damaging information.

Essays Programming Languages
Programming languages are a set of instructions or grammatical rules, which are used to make applications and software on computers (Beal). There are many programming languages, which are used extensively in modern day computer science, some of which are C++, Python, HTML, FORTRAN, Ruby and Pascal. They were initially created by computer scientists to simplify calculations and to perform repetitive tasks with ease. These languages are one of the core components of a computer and they facilitate the creation and functioning of complicated applications and softwares. Figure 1 Components of a computer (Source: Anthony)

The first language was, perhaps, assembly language. It is a low level programming language which requires an assembler to translate it machine code (“Assembly”). Such languages were tedious to use but were much simpler than the new, more sophisticated languages. Fortran was the first high level

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