
Race And Social Class

Decent Essays

Topic 5
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1. Describe the difference between race and ethnicity. What roles do race and social class continue to play in the United States?
Race can be defined as the description of a person’s physical characteristics from the skin, eye, hair color or the facial structure, whereas ethnicity means the cultural identity of a person, including one’s language, religion, nationality and even cultural traits. Race and social class are entangled together. The upper-class whites blame the African-Americans due to the bad economic situations, accusing them of being lazy and not being hard workers as the whites. Media, also owned by the ruling class, puts the blacks in a situation that blames them for every little economic set back that there is, making the public to see that the blacks are poor because it’s their own fault, (Henry, 2007).
2. Describe a discriminatory situation that you experienced or witnessed. Identify the individual aspects of this discrimination. Describe any institutionalized racism that you have observed or experienced.
I once went with my family to an accessory shop where the cashier was a white woman. As we were checking out the items, she told …show more content…

This gives the employees a level ground for all to work in since no one, after coming from work, can be prejudiced by the people around him or her. In addition, the society can give a chance to voice the people who are treated badly and try to be understood. If I were the CEO, I would implement policies like training. This will ensure that all the workers are familiar with discrimination laws. Another policy I would put up is like sticking to the job requirement when hiring. It ensures that the person working is equipped with the right requirements and was not chosen on the basis of any other factor except the job requirements. It also protects the company from discrimination lawsuits, (Osborne,

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