
Race Cleansing

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Dhruba R. Tripathee Prof. Christian Hanns ENG 096-KN2/1101 Oct.26.2010 Race Cleansing in America There is always a binary opposition to living beings’ existence. Binary opposition is the principle of contrast between two mutually exclusive terms: on/off, up/down, left/right, and strong/weak. To be born as an epileptic and to be labeled as feebleminded is not the child’s fault. Such a child has his/her own right to live on earth. Where there is birth, there is death no matter whether the person is rich or poor. Eugenics-the theory as well as the word (which means “wellborn”) -originated with Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin who is inspired by Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Eugenics movement started sterilization …show more content…

He even produced a movie called The Black Stork. The first formal “eugenics group in the United States, with a self-proclaimed mission to “emphasize the value of superior blood and the menace to society of inferior blood” (6). Still there is a serious question about superior and inferior blood, if all humans’ blood is red. Those who sins are sure to be suffer or decline. During World II, the number of compulsory sterilization in the United States dropped significantly. The report had been written by Harry Laughlin. In the scientific community, however, the currents of genetic research and medical advances were sweeping away the crude presumptions of eugenics. In 1938 the Carnegie Institute expressed grave doubts to Harry Laughlin about scientific worth of the ERO. Laughlin resigned the next year. The ERO closed its doors on the last day of 1939. In conclusion, people from Justice Holmes to Francis Galton who were inspired by Darwin’s theory of natural selection, wrote a book about the Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry Into Its Laws and Consequences. According to Cesare Lombroso weaker was a group of criminals, born for evil. A wealthy English expatriate and social reformer Richard Dugdale insisted that human behavior was influenced by several factors, environment among them. He investigated the “Jukes,.” The German biologist, August Weismann, developed his theory of “germ plasm” and dictated

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