
Race Is A Social Construction

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1. Explain why scholars and others say that the term “race” should not be used.
Scholars and others argue that the term “race” should not be used because there is no biological basis for the concept of race. Geneticists have determined that code for physical traits (the key distinguishing characteristic for “race”) are inherited independently of one another. Any attempts there have been to define race based on genes are futile, because there is no set of genes that everyone within the “race” has. Scholars argue that race is a social construction. Divisions have been constructed by society. Society tries to put people into different groups, it makes it easier to define people as “other”

2. What are some of the commonalities people might share with others whom they consider in the same ethnic group? Give examples.
Ethnic group, as opposed to race as explained in the previous questions, does have some basis. Commonalities that people share in an ethnic group are language, religion, traditions, or physical features. For example, someone who identifies as ethnically British may celebrate Guy Fawkes day and may practice Christianity and follow the Church of England. However there are also catholic people that can identify as ethnically British. There are many ethnic groups, and just because you share a common trait with someone (religion or language) does not mean that you share an ethnic identity. Another example is that people who identify as ethnically Mexican may

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