
Racial Disparities Essay

Decent Essays

The three biggest disparities mentioned in our book are health, education and incarceration. Delving deeper into these issues, reveals other issues the black community faces like segregation, anti-intellectualism, and incarceration rates. These issues and many more that plague the black community have high degree of connectedness with education probably at the core.
Almost six decades have gone past since the struggles of Brown vs Board of Education. The segregation of that era still persist in today’s black American community but through a different form. The new Jim Crow is not law decreed but through institutional racism. Black students attend school where around 90 percent of students are nonwhite or minorities. Public schools around black …show more content…

This is detrimental because the young generation gets lower exposure to a racially diverse and tolerant community. In addition, schools composed of mostly white population get better resources and more money. 90 percent or more pre dominantly white public’s schools receive an average of $733 dollars more per pupil [2]. Course offerings seem are unequal to with 25 percent of majority black not offering Algebra II and 33 percent not offering Chemistry. Even schools with majority black that have gifted programs only enroll a disproportionately low black students into their programs [3].
Segregated schools and unfair resource distribution are systemic in the education system. Their effect is reflected in standardized testing gaps and drop-out rates. It is crucial to introspect and look at issues within the black community. The anti-intellectual culture within the community needs to change. Being and acting educated is labeled as “acting white” and stigmatized. The black community needs to strive hard to instill the value of education in their communities. Black people can succeed in more ways than being an entertainer or a sports

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