
Racial Identity Development Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Racial Identity Development Theory In order to fully understand the realities of the African American students in the present study, an exploration into racial identity development theory must be explored in order to shed light on how the participants make sense of themselves and their relationships with others. Racial identity and racial identity development theory are defined by Janet Helms (1990) as a sense of group or collective identity based on one 's perception that he or she shares a common racial heritage with a particular racial group. . . racial identity development theory concerns the psychological implications of racial-group membership, that is belief systems that evolve in reaction to perceived differential racial-group membership. (p. 3) If confronted with racial prejudice, the magnitude of one’s response to any given incident depends on personal awareness, sensitivity, along with growth and maturation of the individual in interaction with his or her interpersonal environment (Franklin, 1999). The level of awareness and sensitivity to one’s interpersonal environment is represented by what theorists define as the attributes and behavior manifested by the various stages of racial identity development (Franklin, 1999). According to Phinney (1990), racial and ethnic identity theories provide significant insight into how “individuals come to understand the implications of their ethnicity and make decisions about its role in their lives, regardless of the

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