
Racial Identity Essay

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Developing Racial Identity in Black American Youth

In the development of racial identity in black American youth, there are 5 stages in developing racial identity between persons of color and 6 stages in developing racial identity in whites. Differentiation of self, people of color in the United States can experience racism from one’s own race with societal stereotypes that carry a negative connotation become internalized. Prior neighborhood experience matters when examining how black youth identify with their race. How black men and women develop racial identity differs and mass media takes a affect on how youth see themselves not only how they see themselves but how they see others who are the same race as them.

Racial Identity Stages in People of Color

There are 5 stages in which people of color developing racial identity, Pre Encounter, Encounter, Immersion/Emersion, Internalization, and Internalization-Commitment. Pre Encounter stage when developing racial identity, is when an individual tries to incorporate and assimilate to whites, and will often distances themselves with others of their own race. Those in this stage have negative public regard and can not dissociate the negative stereotypes that have been placed on their race and held standard and the fact that they or others can differentiate those stereotypes

The Encounter stage in developing racial identity in people of color is when the individual experiences racism, and they are forced to acknowledge the

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