
Racial Injustice Essay

Decent Essays

Summative 1: Racial Injustice Racial injustice has been a recurring problem in the United States. Americans didn’t talk about how the blacks were being treated until Dr. Martin Luther King Jr started speaking and protesting racial injustice. In modern day America, racial injustice is still an occurring problem, mostly between blacks and the police force. African American’s have felt like the police force is out to get them, with valid reason of course. People have tried to protest, using slogans such as “Black Lives Matter,” although these protests have helped bring the light on police brutality towards African Americans, they haven’t helped find a cure for this sickness. The most notable protest in modern day America is kneeling during the National Anthem, started by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. I will be discussing why Kaepernick started taking a knee, how the NFL reacted to the kneeling, as well as how the world has perceived kneeling. The question has long lived, why did Colin Kaepernick begin kneeling and sitting during the national anthem. Kaepernick started kneeling to protest police brutality, “He’s out there kneeling for my son and your son and my daughter,” said Symone Sanders, former press secretary for Bernie Sanders. Colin feels like he “stood for what is right” even if that meant losing his football career. Colin’s former high school guidance counselor announced that “One day, maybe my youngest, who is in second grade, is going to

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