
Racism in Toni Morrison's Song of Solmon Essay

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Racism in Toni Morrison's Song of Solmon

Milkman is born on the day that Mr. Smith kills himself trying to fly; Milkman as a child wanted to fly until he found out that people could not. When he found, "that only birds and airplanes could fly&emdash;he lost all interest in himself" (9). The novel Song of Solomon is about an African American man nicknamed Milkman. This novel, by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison was first published in 1977, shows a great deal of the African American culture, and the discrimination within their culture at the time Song of Solomon takes place. In part one, the setting is in a North Carolina town in the 30's and 40's. Part one introduces readers to not only Milkman, but also to his family and friends. …show more content…

She shows racism within the characters of her novel. With this, she gives readers a truer understanding of how life was for African Americans even after slavery was over. There are four kinds of racism in the novel Song of Solomon: African Americans against whites, White against black, Black against black and Native American against African American. Morrison uses the conversation of her characters, the actions of her characters, and the emotions of her characters to show racism. When Milkman visits the woman who delivered both his father and aunt he is shocked when she tells him, "Splendid. I don't like those Negroes in town" (246). Circe, the old woman, did not appreciate the African American's in town because "Everybody does what he likes nowadays (242). Macon Dead Sr., is a racist man. His daughter tries to explain to a man from the Southside of town, "He never wanted us to mix with…people" (195). Macon himself explains when his son is taken to jail the reason was, "you was with that Southside nigger. That's what did it" (203). Macon is prejudice towards African Americans who don't try to be white, and towards anybody who is poorer that he is. He does things that show others this feeling. Guitar's opinion of Macon is that he "behaves like a white man, thinks like a white man" (223). This viewpoint seems to be adamant in Song of Solomon, because Porter comments that, "you [Macon] need killin, you really need killin," (26). Macon shows others his

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