
Racist Beauty Standards

Decent Essays

In this novel, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, the author depicts a culture in which white people and white lifestyles are idealized and the standards for beauty are very generalized around whites. In this novel, the author questions the truths by which white standards of beauty are held and depicts the impact and growth it has on her characters and the long-term effects of these “beauty standards”. Claudia was much better able to handle rejecting the white, middle class America’s standards of beauty. Claudia and Pecola are similar in the sense that they both suffered from racist beauty standards and abuse growing up. However, Claudia was always the stronger of the two and did not feed into the standards of beauty set in her society. Frankly, …show more content…

I couldn't join them in their adoration because I hated Shirley” (Morrison, 35). This quote from Claudia’s perspective shows her distaste for Shirley temple and Pecola and Frieda’s love for her. Pecola becomes so obsessed with the Shirley Temple cup that she drinks milk in excess just to use the cup with her on it. Pecola is particularly fascinated by Shirley Temple’s big blue eyes. Pecola after a life time of obvious abuse, belittlement, and racist has very low self-esteem and wants to be everything she is not. She strongly connects beauty with desire and love, she starts to believe that if she had blue eyes, all the cruelty and hatred she gets in her life, would disappear. This unrealistic and hopeless desire for blue eyes, eventually leads to immeasurable madness. “It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sights—if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different” (Morrison, 46). Pecola is finally granted her overwhelming want for blue eyes. When she is finally granted her wish for blue eyes, she receives it in a perverse and darkly ironic form. She is only able to be granted blue eyes in exchange for her sanity. Pecola loses her mind and ultimately her insight into the outside

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