
Radical Reconstruction Dbq

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Radical reconstruction also known as Congressional Reconstruction began in 1867 after North rejected the policies of Andrew Johnson in elections of 1866. After winning election of 1866, republicans gained full control over policymaki ng in south. They got power to override vetoes of Andrew Johnson. Even though Radical reconstruction had some failures; it was a step in the right direction. Through radical reconstruction, Republicans achieved the goal of bringing the nation all together and acknowledged 13th, 14th and 15th amendment. After Civil War, reconstruction was important in order to rebuild in the nation and to run it smoothly. Lincoln proposed the idea of reconstruction in December, 1863. According to Lincoln, if 10 percent of population …show more content…

On July, 1864 Wade-Davis Bill was passed which required majority of white men to sign an oath instead of just 10 percent and, made equality of freed slaves mandatory. Even though, after this, the differences occurred in between Lincoln and Radical republicans; Lincoln worked with them in passing the 13th amendment: first success of radical reconstruction. As mentioned in document 4, the section 1 of amendment included, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punish-ment for a crime, where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.”1 The amendment stated that no matter what happens after reconstruction it will never be legal to own slaves. After assassination of Lincoln, new president Andrew Johnson started his reconstruction policy called “Presidential reconstruction” which acted as one of the failures of reconstruction. Andrew left the status of freed slaves in …show more content…

The debates were going on if the confederates holding the office earlier should be allowed to hold office now or there should be any restrictions imposed on them. Out of these debates, emerged the next success of reconstruction: the 14th Amendment which guaranteed protection of all citizens of all races. According to document 25 of Radical Reconstructions, “The amendment was a logical culmination of congressional efforts to this point, marking the fulfillment of Republican Party’s commitment to civil rights and legal equality.”3 This amendment was opposed by advocates of women suffrage as the second section of amendment only talked about right to vote of male citizens and denied women’s

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