
Radicalism In Charlie Hebdo

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Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly magazine founded in 1970. It first started as a companion to Hara-Kiri, another French satirical magazine whose slogan was “Bête et méchant” (Dumb and nasty) which are words that Charlie Hebdo has been living by after Hara-Kiri’s last published issue in 1986. Hebdo’s characteristic cartoons, reports and jokes could be described as polemic since they are based on the controversy that religion, politics and culture hold. However, they describe themselves as secular1, atheists2, left-winged3 and anti-racist4. In French journalism, Charlie Hebdo is part of a tradition that according to BBC’s Hugh Schofield, “combines left-wing radicalism with a provocative scurrility that often borders on the obscene”1. Schofield notes that in the 18th Century, the target of this tradition would often be the royal family and any type of corruption they might …show more content…

It is usually constituted by punctual aspects such as dress, language, religion and certain rules regarding morals and values. These characteristics work together in order to build up a predominating attitude and behavior that distinguishes the group they belong to. According to Ann Swidler, author of “Cultural Power and Social Movements” culture “shapes individual beliefs and desires” and “provides a means by which people make sense of the world”3. It makes complete sense that the way one behaves, most of the time, depends on the type of environment one is surrounded by because, from a very young age, individuals tend to mimic the actions and reactions of those who surround them in order to fit into the community. This, of course, is later reflected on the mindset an individual has adopted since by living amongst shared knowledge and shared opinions the way one thinks is a copy of the community’s cultural core

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