
Ralph Ellison Date Analysis

Decent Essays

The Date was June Fifteenth, Nineteen-Thirty-Nine in Harlem New York. The Interviewer, Ralph Ellison, talked to several people to get the story. This interview takes place outside of a bar in Harlem. This interview stood out about others, because it relates to today. We have racial and social injustice, and its time someone remember where we came from as a country. An African American man was singing in a bar for a little bit of extra money, and a white man stood up and yelled “If you monkeys don’t play some music, I’m gonna throw you outta de jernt.” (Page 1) This is what sparked off the hole interview because back then black men could not stand up to white men, without the fear of getting beat up, sent to prison, and lynched.
The narrator is the person who recorded the statements. The narrator seems to be distant from the story, but it seems like he cares. The narrator was a white man who would have been looked upon better than the black men involved. The narrator never comes out and takes the spotlight, he leaves it to the people that were interviewed to do that themselves. By going out and supporting African Americans, I am sure the narrator was frowned upon.
The interviewer was the same person as the narrator. The man who ran this story was Ralph Ellison, and he accounted for everyone equally. There was no prior …show more content…

The narrator didn’t ask questions, he just let them tell their story. The interviewer was trying to get the reader’s attention by appealing to their emotions. I think the interviewer tries to stay away from the fact that they are black, it’s almost like he is saying it doesn’t matter what the color of their skin is, only what is in their hearts. The story is consistent with each other and all the stories correspond with one another. This paper was typed out on a type writer, so there were several misspelled

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