
Rap Music Influence On American Culture

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Music is a part of the American culture that has been around for many years. It allows American’s to express themselves and share their talents with others. Every genre of music is a reflection of the previous one, allowing there to be multiple divisions of the music world. Halfway through the 19th century, music took a different route becoming the start of something new. By the 1960s, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Rap evolved in the American culture by presenting music that covers creativity, inner thoughts, and feelings about society. Rhythm and blues, known as R&B has been an influential aspect of the musical movement. “The content of the messages in R&B lyrics is deconstructed to enable a fuller appreciation of how creativity and imagery associated with the lyrics facilitated listeners’ personal and collective political awareness and engagement” (Stewart 196). R&B music began in the 1960s and is still common …show more content…

Although rap came from hip-hop, it is rooted from the African tradition of rhyming to a beat (Richardson and Scott 176). Rap gave the youth a way to voice their unhappiness with society (Richardson and Scott 176). “America’s urban centers…are replete with poverty, police brutality, drug abuse, educational inequality, high dropout rates, and violence” (Richardson and Scott 175). Some Americans were surrounded by rap music and attention to horrible conditions, grew a dislike for it. Rap music started by focusing on the bad conditions in the poorer communities (Richardson and Scott 188). It sparked a change, becoming a controversy because of its newly, explicit lyrics (Richardson and Scott 176). It went from old school rap to new school rap. Rap is the most favored genre of music today (Leach 11). Rap music came with many concerns and opinions about what was being expressed. This shows that this genre of music has made it a long way from when it

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