
Rape Culture: A Victim Analysis

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In today's society, the promotion of rape culture is heavily prevalent. Despite the world making massive headway in a multitude of social injustices, victim blaming and the willingness to ignore the truth in media are still major issues. Although one may not realize, both local and global media frequently create pieces that are biased - using prejudice in favor of one group or individual - to blindly sway public opinion.

One particular incident occurred in an article published by The Telegram on 3 September 2016 after Brock Turner, 21, sexually assaulted a female student. The girl was unconscious at the time, at Stanford University in California where they both attended school. This incident left its mark nationally after Turner was released …show more content…

The story depicts a Newfoundland woman who spent an evening drinking downtown with several close friends, however, left alone after feeling to sick to stay. She was walking down Water Street when she spotted a police car parked on the side of the road, whom she approached for help. The officer, Const. Carl Douglas Snelgrove offered her a ride home, where he forced her to have sexual intercourse with her (“Uproar as Canadian constable cleared of on-duty rape” 1). This article is a prime example of victim blaming. When sexual assault occurs, too many people believe the blame should be placed in the hands of the victim. They may say, “she didn’t say no” or, “well why was she dressed like that?” In this case, they believe the girl did it to herself because she was “too drunk”. This is a prime example of the rape culture we are not only creating but continuously supporting in society. None of the previously mentioned statements are any excuse to assault an unwilling person. It is not acceptable to justify your actions based on the sobriety of the victim, etc. All that matters is she did not say yes. She provided no consent to the events, and had very little memory afterward, but because it was a cop, and because of the way we view these incidents, the victim is blamed. This must change. We don’t blame people who are mugged in the street, so why do we blame people who are

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