
Rape Culture Rape Summary

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The Way Society Views Rape In Roxane Gay’s article, “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” she breaks down rape in the perspective of our society nowadays. Gay states that our world today does not take the act of rape as an important issue to pay attention to by saying, “the idea that male aggression and violence towards women is acceptable and often inevitable.” Also, that in many cases the idea of victim blaming plays a big role in the way our society looks at the subject; saying that the individual that was raped is in the wrong and the rapist is not at fault. In the article, Gay states that we live in a “rape culture,” meaning that the way the world is today is to view violence towards women as something that is not an important …show more content…

A large majority of television shows and movies have a story line that has something to do with an individual, usually a female, being raped. She brings up the television show, Law & Order as an example of this. Gay states, “The violence is graphic and gratuitous while still being strangely antiseptic where more is implied about the actual act than shown.” This is basically saying that the way rape is shown on television and in movies is much different than the way it happens in real life. The writers and actors make it seem like a casual event, when it is not at all that. I believe that this is one of the key factors of why the majority of people are so comfortable with rape. They see it so often on television, but they are not seeing everything that the victim truly has gone through during the act and the long term effects that will be with the victim for the rest of their life. There are so many stages of getting through something like this. Which is why people need to stop assuming everything is okay and that it’s not that big of a deal. Not only does Gay mention television shows and movies being the problem she also mentions that books add to the issue. Although when reading a book you cannot visually see what is taking place, rape is present in the storyline to many books which portray it in an unrealistic fashion similar to the …show more content…

I agree that this is another big factor in why people don't take it seriously or give much care to the matter. She states in her article, “We jokingly say things like “I just took a rape shower” or “my boss just rapped over my request for a raise.” This is showing that we as a society have made it so normal and not surprising to hear the word that when we hear a case of it we don't see it as a very big deal. One big reason that this happens is stated in the article, “Debating Rape Jokes vs. Rape Culture,” written by Raúl Pérez and Viveca S. Greene. In the article the authors state that people that have a big influence on society, such as comedians, are using jokes about rape. Doing this in hope of making the audience laugh is then lessening the importance of the topic. I think that because of all this, it makes being a female today more difficult than it is played out to be. This idea is displayed in the book Rape and Representation, written by Lynn Higgins and Brenda Silver. They say, “How is it that in spite (or perhaps because) of their erasure, rape and sexual violence have been so ingrained and so rationalized through their representations as to appear ‘natural’ and inevitable, to women as men?” This is basically asking, “How has society come to this?” As I shared above the answers are in the fact that the idea of rape as a whole is thrown around so freely and carelessly

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