
Ray Bradbury's The Pedestrian

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In 2014, a statistic from Recode Research found that 90% of United States households have three or more technological devices pinging in the internet. Devices such as phones and tablets are so psychologically powerful that they not only change how humans act, but how humans communicate. The short story titled, The Pedestrian, written by Ray Bradbury, offers a glance into the future, depicting Leonard Mead, who takes long walks every evening in a society that only lives for watching tv. In another story called August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains, also written by Bradbury, displays life within a technologically advanced household. A third story also written by Bradbury titled The Veldt, is based upon an interactive nursery within a technologically …show more content…

In the story of There Will Come Soft Rains, a feature of the computerized house is that it actually talks to the people living there. Throughout the story, the house verbally says phrases such as: “Mrs. McClellan, which poem would you like this evening?” (There Will Come Soft Rains) and “Today is Mr. Featherstone’s birthday. Today is the anniversary of Tilita’s marriage. Insurance is payable, as are the water, gas, and light bills.” (There Will Come Soft Rains). The programming of the house is set to inform the residents of their personal affairs, whereas usually situations like these are done between humans. This shows that the residents are dependant on their house remembering information instead of being responsible for themselves. The absence of other family members would not affect the people there since the house is basically a part of the family. This causes no need or desire for personal interaction. The computerized house creates an illusion of companionship without the demands of an intimate relationship. A society that is used to such conditions thinks they will never be alone. There Will Come Soft Rains provides a story based off dependency for communication technology to do the talking and thinking for …show more content…

The use of communication technology allows humans to get used to doing less. Sherry Turkle, a TED Talk speaker, informs people of how technology causes people to be connected, but alone. Her analysis of solitude shows the audience that humanity is unable to reach out to other people and form real attachments. Turkle states “People can’t get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts that they can control. I call it The Goldilocks Effect.” The Goldilocks Effect refers to the habits of humans wanting each other not too close, not too far, but just right. This effect, and other consequences from communication technology, proves that humans expect more from technology than from each other. Humans find it easier to keep to themselves rather than to participate in social interaction. The continued use of technological devices encourages distance between humans. Communication technology may never be used the intended way as a helping aid, rather, it is used as a replacement to human interaction and

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