
Rebellion In The Handmaid's Tale

Decent Essays

In “The Handmaid 's Tale” by Margaret Atwood, there is the addressing of freedom, abuse of power, feminism, rebellion and sexuality. The audience is transported to a disparate time where things normalized in our current society are almost indistinguishable. Atwood uses each character carefully to display the set of theme of rebellion within the writing, really giving the reader a taste of what the environment is like by explaining detailed interactions, and consequences as well as their role in society. Moira is first introduced as one of the most influential, rebellious characters, almost instantly does she become the epitome of insubordination. Before Gilead was established Moira generally wasn’t your “Poster Child” for a becoming young …show more content…

“It was Moira’s idea”, Offred’s reasoning for throwing “water bombs” on the men trying to climb up for the “Under-whore” celebration. (Atwood 58) As Offred tells of her experiences that lead her up to her development, Moira’s rebellious attitude entices her. Offred makes a habit of visiting the bathroom, not to use it but to communicate with Moira. Moira is slowly luring Offred to break the rules, trying to turn Offred from being a submissive woman to a woman who 'll stand up for what she believes in. Still, Offred tries to persuade Moira to follow the rules instituted by Gilead for her own benefit more than Moira’s. When Moira decides to fake an illness, Offred advises against it, only for her safety. “I couldn’t stand the thought of her not being here, with me. For me” Offred knows that without Moira remaining in the centre with her she could not be as strong in herself as she would had Moira decided to stay. (Atwood 89) Without having Moira there with her Offred begins to become slightly more rebellious. Knowing the Handmaids are not allowed to discuss each other, Offred pursues to ask Aunt Lydia if she knows where Moira is. Through this action does Offred also start to look into the rebellious attitudes of her mother. Offred recalls an outfit she wore, similar to Unwomen, (before Gilead), that allows her to truly recognize her mother’s beauty regardless

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