
Reconstruction Dbq

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William Smith Smith AP U.S. History – 7 3 January 2015 Essential Questions 1. The most prominent reason why Reconstruction was considered a failure was the status of African Americans after reconstruction was already over. The agreements following the Civil War were made in order to make African Americans equal in the eyes of the law and the opportunities they were able to pursue. But after the war the southern states were widely ignored as they passed laws to segregate the races and prevent blacks from voting. They remained very low on social tiers as well, and very little people in the south changed the way they treat black people. Also the African Americans did not receive the economic assistance from the government they wanted, and continued …show more content…

The Populist Party was always very direct with the reforms it believed needed to make to the government, and many of them even became laws later in history. They asked for the election of senators by popular vote, rather than by state governments. This later became the 17th amendment. They wanted to see the use of a private ballot, so people wouldn’t feel pressured into picking a specific candidate. This was also put into effect. Two more things such a graduated income tax and the abolition of national banks were also put into effect. Although the populists had an odd 20 year run, they had a significant impact on the way our government is run …show more content…

In 1873, Jay Cooke and Company went under, and it triggered the violent crashing of the economy in a matter of weeks. When the company went under the Stock Market closed for 10 days, during that time factories closed and banks failed. Mass unemployment occurred as a result, and President Grant was widely blamed for the panic. The government did not do very much to aid the panic, and it was even nicknamed the long depression because of its half-decade length. The Panic of 1893 was caused due to the government running out of gold to redeem for paper currency. Then the Philadelphia Railroad went bankrupt, followed by a number of bank failures. The government was able to recover from the depression in 1896 when it acquired a gold reserve of $100 million, along with the discovery of a new gold mining

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