
Recording Hr Data

Decent Essays

Reasons for data collection;

* HR data serves as building blocks of information system, play an outstanding role in developing the organisation, future plans and strategy improvement, help in decision making etc. , * The data describes the demographics , qualification, size and distribution of the work forces, * HR data must meet the needs of stakeholders, senior management and line managers who want to know the whether the workforce is qualified, culturally competent and sufficient in numbers to serve the organisation, * Data is used for planning, managing, and evaluate employees, * Proper manpower budgeting, * To accommodate appropriate policies and procedures, Legal Obligations, * Improve and enhance …show more content…

* Easy retrieval, analysis, transmission, sharing of data within and outside the department. * Less chance for human errors * Data recovery is easy * Accurate Tracking | * Data and server crash * IT dependent * Technical training * High maintenance * |

Data Protection Act 1998
Data protection law controls how personal data is processed. Personal data is any data relating to a living individual held either electronically or in paper files. The general principle is that the consent of the person concerned is required for the processing of their personal data.
Sensitive personal data includes data relating to trade union membership, ethnic origin, health, political or religious beliefs, criminal convictions or the alleged commission of any offence.
Processing may include obtaining, recording, collecting, storing, altering or adapting data, retrieving data, consulting data, using data, disclosing data or blocking, erasing or destroying data.
The processing of non-sensitive personal data is justified without consent having been obtained if the Data Protection Principles are complied with and one of the non-sensitive personal data legitimate processing conditions is satisfied. These include: * Processing is necessary to

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