
Red Menu Analysis

Decent Essays

Restaurant, speaking of restaurants, what will you think of? There are many restaurants in this world, and each of them has their own uniqueness. In our whole life, we will eat in many different restaurants. Every one of them has different prices; the price of each restaurant reflects the quality of the restaurant, which we can separate into three level. The restaurants that cost lower than ten dollars; the restaurant that cost between ten to forty dollars; and the restaurant that cost more than forty dollars. The first level of restaurant, lower than ten dollars. They are usually fast food restaurant, the restaurant that most people familiar with; like Chick Fil A, McDonald's, What a Burger, Subway, etc. We will always eat in this …show more content…

These restaurants are dine in restaurants that has better food quality, better services and better atmosphere. What’s in my mind is Red Lobster. Red Lobster is the medium level restaurant that I ate many times. It has a lot of seafood selections, they always cook the non-process materials. On their website, they says it is wild caught and sustainably farm-raised. The food are relatively fresh, a well designed menu gives you more food selection and combination. They also have more drinks to choose from including alcohol drinks. When you eating good food. You will also want a good place to sit. Red Lobster has the good seats for you. There are a lot booth seat in Red Lobster and the regular chairs will also be more comfortable than the McDonald chairs. There are also music in the background; classical music which makes you feel intimate and cozy. The whole arrangement of the restaurant is more complex than the cheap restaurant, they will have different sections of seats and different kinds of seat. While you are seating in a restaurant with good atmosphere, you will also want a good service. In Red Lobster, a waiter has several table need to do. The waiter will come up and ask what a do you want to drink; then your drink will brought by your waiter or waitress; after that they will take your order. You do not need to move to get your order, get your drink and get your food. While you are eating your meal,

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