
Redemption In The Kite Runner

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A main theme in the novel, The Kite Runner, written by by Khaled Hosseini, is that of redemption. As the novel is read and the plot is unfolded, the main character in the novel Amir starts to look for redemption of his sins from his dark past. Khaled Hosseini analyzes The Kite Runner by using different ways to show how Amir seeks redemption for his past and the sins he has made, and how Smir seeks for that redemption as the plot goes on. Hosseini shows this throughout the novel by making references to a mental image of a lamb that is a recurring to Amir, a scar right above Amir’s lip, and the blue kite. Amir’s father demonstrates a good sense of leadership and traits of a good, well-rounded man. This sets a good example for Amir. Amir …show more content…

During the winter, the Kabul people have a tournament of kite fighting. This large kite running tournament is very important to those of the Kabul culture. Amir and Hassan had won the kite fighting tournament. But, in order for the two to become victorious of the event, Hassan must get the blue kite back so that Amir could bring the kite home as a reward for winning the tournament. As the tournament is going on, Amir states that, “All I saw was the blue kite. All I smelled was victory. Salvation. Redemption.” Amir sees redemption mainly in the eyes of Baba. Earlier in the novel, Amir talks about what he thinks Baba thinks of him. Amir thinks that Baba thinks he is weak and incompetent. Winning the kite fighting tournament was Amir;s way of redeeming himself in the eyes of Baba. This will show Baba that Amir is not weak. Amir’s victory at the kite running tournament will also end his longing strive to receive love from …show more content…

He set a good example for Amir on how to grow and mature into a well-rounded man. Baba is generous to others and he will always stand up for the people who need someone to do so. For example, Baba confronts a Soviet soldier when he and Amir try to escape from the walls of Afghanistan. Baba continues to make sacrifices for Amir throughout the novel. Baba wants to stay in Afghanistan at first, but he realizes where Amir needs to be, which is in America. When Baba’s life begins to come to an end, he accepts what Amir has chosen to do with his life. Everything that Baba does, and everything that he sacrifices for Amir throughout the novel show how much he truly cared for Amir. Despite the way he treated Amir in the past, he always came back around. This shows Amir how strong Baba was, and how real his love for Amir was. The way Amir was loved by his father, despite the circumstances they had, showed Amir that he needed to redeem his past to make his father proud. Amir seeks redemption throughout the novel to show his father that he is a man,

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