
Redemption In 'Wise Blood By Flannery O' Connor

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Religion is part of our culture but do we really commit to the beliefs? In Flannery O Connor stories she implies a setting of loneliness along with corrupt characters to show how religion isn’t taken serious and acknowledging their faults in order to obtain redemption. In Wise Blood she shows the need of redemption by using Hazel Motes. His name shows grotesqueness because to show the imperfection he has about god and himself. Haze in hebrew means “god sees” referring to the bible and how he try’s to help others but he’s the one in need of help. Motes is tiny pieces of substances and shows the importance of his faith.They call him Haze to show the struggle he has seeing the truth of his beliefs in god. Hazel Motes runs over solace and kills …show more content…

The setting is in a southern town.It implies loneliness in the need of redemption because of the violence and grotesque characters.It shows us how the town is full of people who dont care and have no respect. At the end of the day they end up dying alone just like when one is born. One comes to the world alone and leaves alone or ends up being alone because of our actions. Flannery O Conner shows us how society is corrupt and everyone commits errors and has imperfections.When one sees their errors and faces them they tend to find redemption. He obviously does believe because or else he wouldn’t make his own god or church for people to follow. In Wise Blood he tells us “He was going to be a preacher like his grandfather and a preacher can always do without a foot”. Coming back from war, it gave him a different understanding about religion and end up in the wrong path. He tells us since there’s no god there’s no such thing as sins. That is just making himself feel relieved about not getting punished. When he meets Asa Hawks, who lies to him about being religious. He understands how no one really is committed to …show more content…

Changing her name gives us a understanding of her person how she feels ugly, unhappy, and how she is apart from her life and has no faith in god. She is really rude to her mom who is really sweet and caring. Her mom lets her be, doesn’t tell her anything because she has a wooden leg. She lost her leg on a hunting accident and has a heart condition. She lets that stop her from living her life. The thing is we can’t let our condition affect us from living our lives because life is short and we have to enjoy it while we still live. The story takes place at a farm which isolates them from people and don’t have a lot of people to talk to. Making it dark and alone because it’s how Hulga feels about her life. Her loneliness leads her to say Yes, to manley the guy who sales bibles, on a date. Without even knowing who he is she goes and the mom only sees the good in people shows how she’s to nice to realize how evil someone can be. The freedom that she gives Joy changes her to a rude daughter. A mom should always protect ,guide, and show their children how to respect. The mom didn’t teach her daughter to respect her and let her do whatever she wanted. The guy was a lesson for both of them for her mom to not trust everyone by their appearance or small talks because they can be evil. Also people who say they’re religious but end up being the whole opposite. A lesson for Hulga to not disrespect her

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