
Reflection Of A Self-Evaluation On Your True Self

Decent Essays

This course has changed me in so many ways over the past semester, ways as far as my procrastination and how it’s not good to procrastinate, and me not feeling embarrassed to actually talk about that and say that out loud because I wasn’t the only one in class to raise my hand in doing things at a pace and my time and not always on time. In this course I have learned so much about myself as well the other people in the classroom in different ways, more so than I ever thought I would, and with this knowledge comes a great responsibility. This class has basically taught me a self-evaluation on myself, now I know that sounds weird and unusual of how you can do a self-evaluation on your true self, because you are yourself but when this class first started I only expected to learn the very basics of psychology like the different approaches of psychology like behaviorism, and humanism. Not only did I learn about the essentials of psychology, but I also learned a great deal about myself and my past life experiences. This class has forced me to look deep within myself and confront my psychological demons as far as what am I doing wrong within myself and what do I need to work to get better at.
I also learned that many people within the United States rather if they are us as citizens or not are still human and that they go through the same psychological problems rather if that’s internally, and externally and don’t even know it. We are very smart and clever as human beings and have

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