
Reflection Paper On Theoretical Orientation

Decent Essays

I do not think one particular theoretical orientation guided me during the session. Since this was more of a “first session”, my main goal was just trying to really explore the situation and try to understand the full problem the client was wanting to discuss. When trying to figure out where to go and what would be helpful to say, I think I was trying to consider everything that we have learned over the semester, so I would say I used an integrated approach with a focus on person-centered. My goal was to foster a sense of trust and openness, so the client felt comfortable to explore the issue. I wanted to show that I was listening to the client by reflecting feeling and clarifying my understanding. It is hard to see what was effective, because in all reality, we are still learning. The fact that the client was able to continue exploring the situation whether I asked a question or was just reflecting/ rephrasing made me feel like I was successful in making her feel comfortable enough to explore the issue. The longer the session went on, the more comfortable I think we both felt. I felt like when I brought up how the client was feeling trapped in the middle between her sister and father was a good choice. She had a lot to say not only about how it felt to have to help her sister, but also how she felt like she was responsible for getting her father to be a part of the family. I do regret waiting so long to ask about the sister because she had brought her up two or three

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