
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

My family and I immigrated to the U.S. six years ago when I was fifteen. The differences in culture made it difficult for us to adapt to the new environment. During the first few weeks of high school, I felt frustrated as my inadequate English skills hindered communication with my teachers and peers. However, my parents were the ones who suffered the most. The language barrier made it difficult for them to find jobs and get through their daily tasks. Once, my dad and I went to a pharmacy to pick up his medications. He struggled to communicate with the pharmacist and received judgmental stares from other patients for his broken English. For the first time in my life, I saw the helplessness in my dad’s eyes. That was when I first became interested in becoming a pharmacist who could help patients like my dad, communicating in a language that they could understand. I set out to achieve my dream.

I started high school as a freshman shortly after arriving in the U.S. As I watched my parents struggle to adjust to their new life, I had to grow up quickly. Instead of staying after school participating in sports and other activities, I came home early to cook, do chores, and help my sisters with their homework. Appreciating the sacrifices that my parents made in order to give me a better future, I reminded myself to try my best in school. I created calendars and schedules to efficiently manage my time, which improved my grades. I also studied English conversations online every

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