
Reflective Essay On My Mentorship

Decent Essays

a. My interviewing skills have come to help me know my mentor (Harriet Kulakoff) as a person because they allowed me to engage with her in conversation not only about her thoughts on healthy aging but to explore some of her interests such as playing tennis and golf or going swimming. Throughout the interview, building off the questions asked by my team members I was also able to illicit her opinion about varying issues including the use of social media and gain her thought on the younger generation and what we can do to support each other as we age as well as become more engaged with each other in light of our seeming dependence on social media. It was an enriching experience to listen to my mentor and having the right interviewing skills to ensure that both she, myself and my team members were comfortable and engaged aided in us having a successful and productive interview.

b. Our mentor attributes her health aging to having a positive mindset, keeping active and independent as well as …show more content…

The interactions between my team members and our mentor were very relaxed. We seemed to establish a comfortable rapport really quickly as she was very accommodating to our questions and often interjected humor into our discussion which helped to put us at ease. Additionally, we (my teammates and I) were very engaged and interested in her stories and the advice that she was happy to share with us which led us to have a very unscripted whilst thoroughly informative interview. We all had opportunities to ask her questions and she encouraged us to ask her anything we felt like and even zoned in on us specifically if she felt we had been left out of the conversation. Overall, we had a positive group dynamic that fostered a great interview experience for ourselves and our mentor. We established a strategy beforehand that was helpful when carrying out the interview but we maintained fluidity and ease and were open-minded which I believe aided our positive interactions with our

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