
Reflective Essay Writing

Decent Essays

Going into Writing 20, I could best describe my writing as alright if you don’t look at it too closely. Grammar mechanics have always been an issue. I have a hard time transferring my ideas from my mind to the paper in a way that is easily decipherable to a reader. Writing 20 has helped develop my ability to, if not fix my editing skills, at least get them to a place where my voice can shine through. Starting Writing 20 instead of Crown 79 peeved me a bit. I Felt that if it hadn’t been for the fact that i was a sick the day of the AWPE i would have easily gotten into Crown 79. This didn’t stop me from at least trying to learn something from Writing 20. My writing was still sub-par compared to most students like me. The start of the class was a little slow for me, doing basic grammar practice and writing long winded analysis of essays felt pointless. It wasn’t until we actually started writing our ELWR test that the class really picked up.
The first draft of my ELWR essay was a mess. It was slapped together quickly so i had at least something to show for as a rough draft. In the first tutor meeting I had, my tutor believed it was workable and might actually be good in some places. I was feeling mildly confident in my little piece of trash writing. It wasn’t until you ripped it to pieces in your review of it that it really dawned on me that i'm going to have to be on an entirely different level to succeed at college level writing.
Being so ashamed of my first essay i threw

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