
Reforming The Welfare System Reform Essay

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Reforming the welfare system was first initiated by Bill Clinton in 1996, by keeping a promise “to end welfare as we know it.” Between the years of 1989 and 1994, there had been a 33% increase in the number of households receiving welfare. Originally, these provisions of reform were implemented as a strategy to increase labor market production among public assistance recipients. Many held the belief that those receiving welfare had become too dependent on public assistance. It was suggested that welfare discouraged those receiving benefits from working. Becoming employed would mean losing benefits, while also incurring an array of expenses that were typically covered through public assistance, such as health insurance. As dependency became a primary concern, fundamental reform rooted itself into the minds of the working-class. Although, the idea of getting rid of welfare as a whole was unpopular, the belief that those in need were being discouraged from employment through what was often referred to as “the welfare trap” called for reformation within the system.
Clinton achieved his promise by ending the tradition welfare system, called Aid to Families With Dependent Children, and replacing it with a system branded as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. This new system described a range of requirements that applicants must meet to receive financial support and sparked welfare reformation. This reformation began when Bill Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and

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