
Regulating Financial Industries

Satisfactory Essays

To regulate the financial industries, I would use the concept of “command and control” opposed to the “incentive system” because deregulation of the financial system is what caused it to fall and the only incentive these industries have is money, which they make more of by fraud. Command and control is regulation of businesses and punishment if they do not follow directions made by the government. Deregulation is the underlying cause for example, Iceland in 2000 deregulated the financial industries, privatizing three of the biggest banks, where they borrowed $120 billion which lead to the banks collapsing in 2008. After the US was hit with a period of deregulation, which was backed up by Reagan who was supported by financial industries, investment banks began …show more content…

In addition, companies such as Goldman-Sachs bet against the low-value CDOs, telling investors they were high-quality. Running the Financial Products Division of AIG, Joseph Cassano made $300 million by committing AIG to insure more than a trillion dollars worth of junk quality loans held by banks, but was brought down by Joseph St. Denis. The fall of the financial system is all due to deregulation which would not be fixed by the incentive system because according to these investment banks who frauded many investors, money would be the only incentive to stop, however, they would most likely make more by continuing their actions rather than an incentive. Command and control would reinstate regulation of these banks and punish those who commit criminal fraud. In addition, the workers of these big corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and many others could also be charged for spending corporate money on drugs and prostitutes. The people who fraud the financial system and caused the collapse, economically destroying people’s lives while making money should be punished through the concept of command and

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