
Relationship Between Sharon And Alice Rapport

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In order for this negotiation to have a positive turn around resulting into a win-win situation for both Alice and Sharon both parties need to be prepared for anything and try to be well informed of what one might bring to the table. Below we will discuss potential gambits that should be considered for this negotiation. 1) Identify two potential distributive negotiating gambits that Sharon Slade should consider to advance her agenda. Feel, Felt, Found/Competition: During my Module 8 assignment I briefly touched upon the importance of building a rapport. In a negotiation meeting, rapport is an effective determinant of the degree to which both parties build up the necessary trust to achieve integrative understandings. Between Sharon and Alice rapport will be linked each others readiness to collaborate and come to an agreement, to share pivotal data, to make a less negative environment, and to a lessening of the risk of a deadlock. Perpetually, the value behind listening for Sharon as a negotiator is to observe the relational abilities, both verbal and nonverbal, of Alice. It is important for Sharon not to come across as hostile or authoritative but rather understanding and reflecting that she is there for the best possible outcome for both the company and Alice. Actions speak louder than words and if Sharon’s body language is not matching her words to Alice trust will not be able to be built decreasing the chances of a win-win situation. Sharon should enter the

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