
Relationship: My Relationships

Decent Essays


My Relationship
Inel Vujinovic
Davenport University

My Relationship A relationship that I have with someone would have to be with my dad. My dad has always been a big influence on me and the things I do. He’s an airline pilot which means his job can be very stressful due to the fact that the lives of many people are in your hands. My dad always tries to keep a positive attitude on things no matter what the situation is and always believes that things can be fixed even if they don’t seem to be fixable. He always asks me if I have homework and how are my grades almost every single day and I use to think it was quite annoying but the more and more I’ve grown I realize it’s just because he cares and wants me to do my best at everything I do. …show more content…

When I was 5 years old I already had a 4 pack and decent size biceps for such a little kid. I still have pictures of back when I was that age and It makes me laugh seeing a little version of me being so buff and tone at such a young age, and this created a strong bond between us because he has always been there for me when I need him and has helped me with everything in life. One day in the summer my whole family was outside on the porch just enjoying the sun and have a nice dinner outside, and I told my dad “Hey I might need a car for college”, and he looked at me and said “What kind of car do you want?” and I told him “Well I found this really nice BMW that your friend is selling and it’s also a convertible”. He said that he would think about it because his friend owned a dealership and my dad usually gets all his cars from him for a

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