
Relevance Of Ghost In Hamlet

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“A ghost is a way of revealing the presence of the past” (Anonymous). In William Shakespeare’s notorious play Hamlet, the ghost greatly influences the fate of the characters. The ghost is crucial to the play because it indicates destiny and animates the plot. Also, the ghosts role helps categorize the play as a revenge tragedy. Before the play’s opening, the audience learns that Hamlet, the late King of Denmark, is killed in his orchard because of a serpent’s sting. The late Hamlet returns in ghost form to reveal details of the past and he has several encounters with the main characters, especially his son, Prince Hamlet, the protagonist of the play. The relevance of the ghost is twofold; it sparks interest in the audience, and it supplements the narrative of the play. …show more content…

Act 1 scene 1 begins with a conversation between the guards of Elsinore castle about the reappearing of a ghost. The guards curiously say, “What has this thing appeared again tonight?” ( ). This statement provokes the audience’s eagerness to continue to follow the play because they want to know what the guards are seeing . Horatio, one of the guards, who has not seen the ghost before, communicates his scepticism about the ghost when he states, “Tush, tush, ‘twill not appear’” ( ). Horatio attempts to question the ghost in hopes to find some answers; however, he is ignored by the ghost. His line about the ghost not appearing creates enigma in the audience. Questions begin to arise in the audience’s minds; does this spirit truly exist, or is it just an illusion? Without the ghost, the audience would be disinterested in the plot. The presence of the ghost significantly impacts both the characters and the audience. The ghost creates a sense of mystery in act 1 scene 1, keeping the characters and audience wanting more as scene 2

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