
Religion Reflection Paper

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Since the days of Socrates and the birth of philosophy, religion has set a very crucial role in determining the morality and outlook of humanity among the general population. The idea of the existence of a higher, omnipresent being has been continuously debated since humans first started recording time. Throughout history, people have used religion to both liberate and oppress which has had a major role in forming who we are as a species today. In today’s contemporary society, people still use religion to restrict others of their personal freedom by policing their views.
Since the first Sunday after I popped out of my mother’s womb, I have been forced to go to Church an hour a day. Never was there a time when my catholic parents asked if I wanted to personally go to church; it was always my dad saying “Get ready, we’re leaving soon” without me giving it a second thought. I was enrolled in a catholic elementary school, so I assumed Catholicism had to be the one and only correct religion for most of my childhood. Bible study, youth group, week long catholic camp, and other religious activities filled my free time. All this came to a crushing end though when I first entered high school. The high school, still a catholic one, contained much more diversity of people and opinions than my previous elementary school. This new place, paired with my unlimited access to the internet through my school-required laptop, led me to discover unfamiliar ideas pertaining to religion and how to

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