
Essay on Religious Experience

Decent Essays

To experience a new religion is to open one's mind to an entirely new world. For my World Religions course, I was asked to visit a place of worship for a religion other than what I was most used to. Upon considering being raised as a Pentacostal Christian, the first idea that came to me after hearing this was for Billy and I to go with our friend Arjun's family to a Hindu temple—since Arjun had moved away recently to go to college however, he was unable to attend. On Sunday, February 21, Billy and I joined Arjun's father in his trip to the Hindu temple in Orlando—we had to wake up earlier than usual for a Sunday but it was for good cause. We arrived at the temple in Orlando just before 10AM for a prayer service that was difficult to …show more content…

Around the inside of the building were candles, incense, and different statues of what I'm sure were a multitude of separate Hindu deities. Of course, being relatively new to the Hindu gods and goddesses, I wasn't able to identify too many, but I did recognize the remover of obstacles, Ganesh—for what I figure is one rather obvious reason. I could only assume other popular divine figures including lord Vishnu and the mother goddess Devi resided with these other statues. Eventually it appeared the priests began lighting candles and pouring milk over Vishnu and Ganesh statues—I gather this only because Arjun's father gave Billy and I a play-by-play of sorts as we were in the rear of the room and found it difficult to see everything. People began chanting Vishu's and Ganesh's names along with other non-English words I couldn't quite make out while still apparently in prayer. Arjun's father described this part as being more of a specifically focused prayer to the individual gods. The number of times the chants repeated remains a mystery to me but It certainly seemed to go on for quite a while Finally, following the chanting sessions, the congregation began singing hymns in what can be assumed to be the same non-English language. The sound of this was beautiful—probably because I am used to songs sung in Germanic languages which never give quite the same feeling—that is, until Billy decided to make a pathetic attempt at

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