
Religious Rituals In America

Decent Essays

According to some studies, young Americans are less religious than older generations. It is generally assumed that this number of non-religious people will increase in the future due to many current factors. According to the Pew Research Center, “Americans ages 18 to 29 are considerably less religious than older Americans” (pew research). Young adults are slowly creating an era when religious beliefs and rituals will have a minor impact on their lives. Although some millennials are likely to continue their religious rituals as a form of culture in their lives, they often disagree that practicing religion has anything to do with believing in god or religious ideas. Moreover, there are a huge amount of millennials who grow up into a family that …show more content…

Most religions, according to Fordham University’s Theology professor Christiana Peppard, creates a societal structure that often fails to include millennials because millennials are open minded and millennials often think religions as a barricade to their open minded self. According to Peppard, millennials are not interested in any institutional religion is because a lot of millennials are very skeptical about religious institutions and view it as chaotic and corrupt. As it is stated by the Pew Research Center, about half of the current religious “nones” were raised in a religious household; it indicates that a lack of religious belief has led them to move away from their childhood religious belief. Likewise, some people tend to move away from their childhood organized religion because, as they grow adult, they begin to dislike the “hierarchical nature of religious group” (pew research). Moreover, Although a common goal of all religion is to bring peace in this world, the failure of religions to turn everyone to work towards this goals is both very puzzling and very much unsettling. Even more troubling is that often these religious ideals itself is the reason for many wars, murders, and social tensions.
Taking all these factors into consideration, as young people become adults, …show more content…

For example, the current pope of the Roman Catholic church, Pope Francis, taking a step toward making the Catholic Church more inclusive and acceptable by reshaping some of its old ideologies which, as a result, causing him to be criticized because he is moving away from the Church’s old ideas. Moreover, Pope Francis renewing the Church’s stand on homosexuality, gender and many social aspects that created a boundary between young people and the church. In order to be more accessible to young people, Pope Francis is part of many social medias that are hugely popular among millennials and became a success in reaching those young adults. Pope’s success in reaching those young people and spreading the reformed ideas of the Catholic Church to young people has proven by the data of The Washington Post where it shows “a majority of Catholics saying that the Church is in touch with them - a reversal from two years ago, when 6 in 10 said the Church was out of sync”. It suggests that Pope Francis is moving away from some of the old social ideas of the Church in order to reform it. Pope’s process of bringing back the millennials to the Church could be a great example for other religious leaders to identify the reason of their millennials

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